Сергей Дрезнин - один из самых многосторонних музыкантов современности, пианист-виртуоз, композитор, автор 18 произведений для музыкального театра. Среди них - Кабаре Терезин, Ромео и Джульетта в Сараево и Офелия (по Шекспиру), Яма (по Куприну), Дон Гуан и Пир во время чумы (по Пушкину) и Екатерина Великая - музыкальные хроники времен Империи. Частый гость таких престижных музыкальных фестивалей как Бард (США), Фестиваль им. Рихтера и Аннеси Классик (Франция). Закончил Российскую Академию Музыки имени Генисиных по классу выдающегося музыканта, пианиста, профессора Бориса Моисеевича Берлина (1906-1995). В своих мастер-классах развивает принципы Системы Берлина, прибегая также к опыту великих актеров и режиссеров Мейерхольда, Уилсона, Михаила Чехова, Станиславского. Среди обработок для ф-но - скрипичные Адажио Баха и Анданте из 5й Симфонии Чайковского. Среди обработок для скрипки - Соната-Фантазия "По почтении Данте" Листа (исполнители Гидон Кремере, Юлиан Рахлин)  и Еврейский цикл Шостаковича.


Sergei Dreznin is a Moscow-born, Vienna-based pianist and composer; trained in Russia’s finest music schools (Central Special Music School, Russian Academy of Music, Tchaikovsky Conservatory), he won prizes and critical recognition in Russia, Europe and the United States. He made a name through his cooperation with Gidon Kremer, his unusual interpretations of piano master pieces, his 18 production for musical theater, and his daring piano masterclasses. He appears regularly at the prestigious music festivals including Bard Music (New York), the Sviatoslav Richter in Tarusa, Russia and Annecy Classic in France. Sergei was privileged to study with the great Boris Moiseyevich Berlin, Professor of Russian Academy for Music. He is a founder of the Academy for Piano Interpretation in Vienna. A CD “Franz Liszt: Live in Paris” was released by EXTRAPLATTE .

Alfred Schnittke dubbed him “the Soviet Gershwin” for the organic mixture of classic and popular languages in the musical writing.

Mr. Dreznin's Catherine the Great – a Russian musical epic  is running in Russia since 2008 to packed houses and won the Golden Mask (Russian Tony's). Other shows include 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman, Ophelia, The R + J Musical, Victory Over the Sun, Yama - a Whorehouse Musical and Cabaret Terezin - the legendary songs and sketches written and performed in KZ/Ghetto Theresienstadt in 1942-44 -  which was produced in German, English , French and Russian languages.

Gidon Kremer performed Mr. Dreznin’s Circus Fantasy and Dante Concerto (after Franz Liszt) at such venues as Lincoln Center, Royal Albert Hall and Santa Cecilia. In October 2004 these two works came out on the Deutsche Grammophon CD “Kremerland.” 

Mr. Dreznin’s film scores include Legend of Salieri (USSR), El Chicko (Austria) and WWII epic The Fallen (USA). In 2007, Mr. Dreznin has written a score for a silent film Peasant Women of Ryazan (Village du Peche) a 1927 Russian masterpiece which was broadcasted by ARTE in 2008-09 (DVD Edition Montparnasse). 

On September 11, 2002, Mr. Dreznin commemorated the anniversary of the attacks on New York with the world premiere of his music theater piece 9.11 – The Witness (Wien New York Retour) which is centered on these tragic events and their aftermath. 

In May 2002 Mr. Dreznin was privileged to perform his own Circus Fantasy (in a duo with a cellist Borislav Strulev) in New York for celebrities including Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev and Bono (U2).